Whatever your story, you are accepted here. You belong. We believe Kung Fu and Taiji are paths to self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-development, leading to a healthier, happier lifestyle. With a people-first approach, we’re ready to journey with you and support you in becoming the best version of yourself.


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Ging Mo Academy, Get to know us, our style, and our ethos with access to member's perks including unlimited classes. Start your journey of self-discovery today.
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We already have everything we need to face everyday challenges — our mind, body, and spirit. That’s why Ging Mo Academy isn’t about violence — or even self-defence — but self-discovery. Our leading Instructors use compassion, logic, and understanding to equip and empower students in self-awareness, decision-making, and communication.

More on our philosophy
By Gawain Siu February 13, 2024
Join Si Fu Gawain Siu, an internationally recognized martial arts expert and a proud member of the 2023 Martial Arts Hall of Fame, on a unique journey into the world of Tai Chi. Si Fu Gawain uses the power of Tai Chi to help people build self-discipline and confidence. This journey is all about developing habits that promote a healthy mind and body, giving you the tools to live your best life. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the academy, Si Fu Gawain is offering a special trial lesson. Only 5 spots are available, so if you're interested, sign up quickly through the provided link. Take this chance to explore Tai Chi with a master and discover the benefits for yourself! Register here
By Gawain Siu February 13, 2024
Join Si Fu Gawain Siu, an internationally recognized martial arts expert and a proud member of the 2023 Martial Arts Hall of Fame, on a unique journey into the world of Kung Fu. Si Fu Gawain uses the power of Kung Fu to help people build self-discipline and confidence. This journey is all about developing habits that promote a healthy mind and body, giving you the tools to live your best life. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the academy, Si Fu Gawain is offering a special trial lesson. Only 5 spots are available, so if you're interested, sign up quickly through the provided link. Take this chance to explore Kung Fu with a master and discover the benefits for yourself! Register here
By Gawain Siu February 13, 2024
Join Si Fu Gawain Siu, an internationally recognized martial arts expert and a proud member of the 2023 Martial Arts Hall of Fame, on a unique journey into the world of Kung Fu. Si Fu Gawain uses the power of Kung Fu to help people build self-discipline and confidence. This journey is all about developing habits that promote a healthy mind and body, giving you the tools to live your best life. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the academy, Si Fu Gawain is offering a special trial lesson. Only 5 spots are available, so if you're interested, sign up quickly through the provided link. Take this chance to explore Kung Fu with a master and discover the benefits for yourself! Register here
Come join us to scare away all the evil spirits and welcome the Year of the Dragon.
By Gawain Siu February 8, 2023
Come join us to scare away all the evil spirits and welcome the Year of the Dragon. The Lions will be alive down in the Lower Laneway at Brookfield Place. Remember to book a table at your favourite eatery so you can pat a lion. Where: Brookfield Place. When: 11:45am
By Gawain Siu December 3, 2022
Students celebrate their journey........
By Gawain Siu November 10, 2022
Support for you along your journey.
By Gawain Siu November 10, 2022
With official training to a group of elite Lion and Dragon Dance groups from NSW, QLD, VIC and WA, Australia is preparing for the inaugural Dragon & Lion Dance Championships in 2023.
August 15, 2019
The one that’s constantly criticising you, the one that expects the highest standards. The one that is ‘cracking the whip’ when you just want to stop and take a breather. I hear him too! And to be clear, he is coming from the best of intentions. He just wants the best for me. I’m very familiar with this voice because he’s not only in my head but he was my dad too. I recall so many times in my life when I thought I was doing ok, and dad would whip me into gear. I remember clearly those moments when he would say to me that “I was not hungry enough”. “That everybody wants to beat me, so I MUST work harder”. “The harder you work now, the less you need to work later”. So many motivational messages. Recently, since I started my personal 100 week Yilu Challenge (on the birth of our 3rd child), I’ve noticed my internal voice had 2 different personalities. Before you think I’m losing my mind or have developed a Dissociative Identity Disorder, I just mean that my internal voice has 2 distinct characters. You see, sometimes I hear the critical voice. The one that I’m most familiar with. The one that often includes in his dialogue the words…… should have by now…… must do better… …. or else You know the ones, right? But also I hear the other voice. The Observant voice. The one that often says: I notice that ….. You seem to be different today…… What do you need? During my Daily Practice I notice a different feeling that comes with each of these personalities. The Critical voice makes me shrink, I end up feeling smaller, less than myself. I feel tight. When hearing the Observant voice, I feel lifted, I feel held and supported. I feel bigger, expanded than my original self. I feel light. Do you hear these differences in yourself too? What I’m noticing is that one voice is helpful yet the other tries to be helpful but actually is the exact opposite. At the time of writing this blog, I’m completing week 70 of my 100 Yilu, 100 Week Challenge. I’m so thankful for my wife and family supporting me by giving me the space to practice daily. It’s through this Daily Practice that I discover more about me, I get to sift through my fantasies, hear my own stories I tell myself and eventually uncover my own truths. Daily Practice is healing for me. I write, I reflect, I practice. I Be. Thanks for sharing. Cya. On track 24 Yilus today, 30 weeks to go. Talk to me on: gawain.siu@gingmo.com.au #martialarts #fitness #kungfu #taichi #tonglong #southernprayingmantis #KungFuPerth #TaiChiPerth #GingMo #PracticalMethod #PushHands #KungFuKidVlogs #ChenZhongHua #GingMoLionDance #GingMoSchoolsProgram #GingMoPlayFu #GawainSiu #PlayFu #SkillsForLife #DaQingShan #GingMoKune #GingMo #GawainSue #dailypracticeproject
August 14, 2019
So I’ve noticed that it has taken me until week 75 to let go of the ‘scarcity’ vibe. So many times during the weeks I had days of saying to myself….. “ great, I’ve got another 10 minutes, maybe I can squeeze in another 2 Yilus, just incase I don’t have time tonight!” So what’s the underlying message? Correct, that I don’t have enough time. How discrete and concealed is that ! So, what’s the difference? Well it might sound crazy and even now when I play it through my head, it sounds kind of unbelievable. I just simply relaxed and decided that there WAS enough time. ALWAYS. So now each day I wake and set out to complete 8 Yilus, 3 times a day. I always enjoy the early morning Wake Up Yilus and the late night Before Bed Yilus. These 2 sets are my favourites. In the middle of the day, I often feel that I actually need to practice, just to realign myself and in the case of last Wednesday when it was a couple of degrees beneath 10 deg celsius, I needed to just do my Yilus, in the sun. I can’t stress enough how important it is to the care of self with a daily practice regime. I just have so much more to give every person in my life. Even total strangers! Life hack #1 — a daily practice regime I was asked on Thursday what my business would look like as a successful business. You see, we’re having a new website built for us and the CEO and I got together for a coffee and a casual chat. I heard myself say for the very first time... “full classes over 3 days a week”, “a waiting list for membership (I currently limit the academy to 100 members)”, “maintaining the same level of volunteer work in our community”. Currently, I give away 40% of my work week, each and every week. Life hack #2 of crafting a great life — give 24 more Yilus complete. A whole lot of foundations. I Practice. I Reflect. I Be. Thanks for sharing. Cya. Week 76 Complete!!! Talk to me on: gawain.siu@gingmo.com.au
April 22, 2019
So now that I’m entering my 34th week of 100 Yilus. I’ve noticed a few things I’d like to share with you.
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